
African American Families: Why We Homeschool (Paperback)


In this book, you will meet Queen Taese, a highly recognized and respected voice in the African American homeschool community. She hosts the world’s largest African American homeschool conference each year in the Atlanta, GA area; the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool Expo. I have had the honor of speaking at her event for two years in a row; 2018 and 2019. And in 2o18, I was recognized and honored as a leader in the Black homeschooling community.

You will also meet Verlyn Tarlton. Verlyn is the author of the Swift Walker book series. Her family has homeschooled while traveling throughout the United States in an RV. Before I knew Verlyn as a homeschooling mom, I know of her work as an author. My family proudly owns all of the Swift Walker books, both in hardback and paperback.

Then there is Shaun M. Taylor. Shaun is a homeschooling mom that left a high paying career at a Fortune 500 company to take on the task of educating her children after the individual education program (IEP) failed her child. Over the years, Shaun and I have grown very close as homeschooling mothers and friends. I have taught Black American history to all her children online through the Black Classical University; my homeschool and business. I love and admire her family dearly.

In this book, you will also meet Author T. R. Bailey. After experiencing school bullying, Bailey decided to homeschool her child to restore his self-esteem before it was too late.

Followed by Author Anjanette Keane-Dawes. Anjanette’s love of language and culture inspired her to homeschool her son. She has traveled to some amazing places with her linguistic son as an interpreter and tour guide.

With the number of school shootings on the rise, Author Iman Cassells Alleyne decided to pull her child out of public school and to no longer subject her son to the threat of being shot while in school. You will also enjoy Author Tamara Somerville’s story. It is one of trying to figure out life through the woes of career, wife, homework, and 4C hair.

Author Terri King Hunt share with us her story of leaving the public school system to homeschool her daughter because her daughter needed her more.

Followed by Author Her Namaste Life. Her Namaste Life made the decision to avoid structured education altogether.

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