
Anonymous Homeschool Mom Confessions – Ep. 3

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I freely give this info to help you succeed in these homeschool streets!  You can help me in these homeschool streets by…


Anonymous Homeschool Mom Confessions – Ep. 2

Need to make your confession?  Click HERE

I freely give this info to help you succeed in these homeschool streets!  You can help me in these homeschool streets by…


Anonymous Homeschool Mom Confessions – Ep. 1

Need to make your confession?  Click HERE

I freely give this info to help you succeed in these homeschool streets!  You can help me in these homeschool streets by…


Continuing the Twitter Convo… Why you CAN homeschool

I shared a tweet from Jeremy Wayne Tate and for some reason, it started a wildfire.  A lot of people are convinced that it is impossible for the average person to homeschool.

Asking about the actual possibility of homeschooling… so I went in and did what I do.  I helped in them homeschool streets!

How can I homeschool if I don’t know everything?

How can I homeschool and continue to make a living?

What about socialization?

All of these questions were answered, in my live q&a.


I freely give this info to help you succeed in these homeschool streets!  You can help me in these homeschool streets by…


How do I homeschool as a single parent?

This is a recording from the LIVE panel discussion at the Taylor Made #HVC2021. Although this is a recording, I’m in the comments on FB to answer any questions you may have.

Kimberly Tardy
Lakeshia Williams


Our next Taylor Made #HVC2022 is set for June 2022, click here to be the first to know all of the details!


I freely give this info to help you succeed in these homeschool streets!  You can help me in these homeschool streets by…



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